
The interaction of biodiversity with the physical environment is the bedrock of sustainable development.The world’s forests covered more than 4 billion hectares, accounting for 31% of total land area or 0.6 ha percapita. Tropical forests in India, which are mostly deciduous, are poorly understood in terms ofphytodiversity, phytosociology, and quantification regimes. Ridge forests of Delhi are of great interest forbiodiversity management in the city. Phtyodiversity inventories set a baseline for other forest managementstudies and initiatives. The Northern Delhi Ridge also known as the Kamla Nehru Ridge the study area forthe current work, is located in Delhi, India, one of the significant biodiversity rich areas in the Delhi, tostudy the phytosociological attributes of tree species from the sampled inventory of different tree taxa. Thestudy revealed that average tree density per hectare for the Northern ridge forest as 322 trees/ha.

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