
Relevance. The technology of cultivation of field crops without soil tillage — No-Till has been actively started to be introduced in agriculture of Stavropol Territory and other regions of the country. While mastering this technology, changes occurred in the species composition of harmful objects affecting the formation of crops. Methods. The purpose of the research is to study the phytosanitary condition of crops in field crop rotations without soil tillage, compared to the traditional technology. The research was conducted on the experimental fields of “North Caucasian FNAC” and industrial crops of agricultural enterprises in the Stavropol Territory. Pest numbers were determined and accounted for using methods and reference books generally accepted in plant protection. Results . As a result of research, the negative impact of post-harvest plant residues of winter wheat on subsequent crops in crop rotation, such as winter wheat, rape and others, was determined. In addition, winter wheat straw, which is not put into the soil, is a source of root rot infection. For the first time, a cotton shovel significantly damaged winter wheat in the arid regions of Stavropol Krai. For the first time, cereal leaflets started to damage corn and sunflower, damaging up to 70% of sprouts, while neighboring fields with traditional technology were not inhabited. Damaged by caterpillars, the young leaves of sunflower at the point of growth deformed, which later led to the formation of new underdeveloped stems. Mouse-like rodents on corn and sunflower, where the population reaches 200 colonies per 1 ha, were found to be harmful, while they were not found on traditional technology. The new pest of sunflower and corn field slug can completely destroy sprouts of these crops cultivated with No-Till technology. Studies have shown that it is necessary to adjust the system of plant protection for field crops cultivated using the technology without soil tillage.


  • Winter wheat straw, which is not put into the soil, is a source of root rot infection

  • The young leaves of sunflower at the point of growth deformed, which later led to the formation of new underdeveloped stems

  • Mouse-like rodents on corn and sunflower, where the population reaches 200 colonies per 1 ha, were found to be harmful, while they were not found on traditional technology

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Технология выращивания полевых культур без обработки почвы — No-Till активно начала внедряться в земледелии Ставропольского края и других регионов страны. Целью исследований является изучение фитосанитарного состояния культур в полевых севооборотах без обработки почвы в сравнении с традиционной технологией. Вредитель зерновых культур [1], начала вредить на кукурузе и подсолнечнике, повреждая до 70% всходов, при этом соседние поля с традиционной технологией она не заселяла. Отмечена вредоносность мышевидных грызунов на кукурузе и подсолнечнике, где численность доходит до 200 колоний на 1 га, в то время как на традиционной технологии на этих культурах они не встречались. Новый вредитель подсолнечника и кукурузы полевой слизень может полностью уничтожать всходы этих культур, возделываемых по технологии No-Till. Проведенные исследования говорят о необходимости корректировки системы защиты растений для полевых культур, возделываемых по технологии без обработки почвы

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