
Standing crop and production of bacteria, phytoand zooplankton, and chemical and physical parameters were studied during 1975 in the small eutrophic Lake Bysjon, Sweden. Phytoplankton specific growth and loss rates were calculated over a two-month period during spring circulation. Phytoplankton developed a springStephanodiscus and a late-summer Aphanizomenon bloom. Physical and chemical parameters, including organic and inorganic nutrient fractions, varied rapidly during bloom development and decline. Peaks in bacterial numbers developed immediately following collapse of both algal blooms, indicating algal autolysis and decomposition products as important substrates for bacterial growth. Net phytoplankton excretion was under 1% of 14C annual production. Due to low over-all predation, large filter feeders dominated the zooplankton. The zooplankton seasonal succession was probably due to selective predation by fish, food availability and physiological differences among species. Calculation of phytoplankton growth rate constants, grazing losses, and other losses during the spring Stephanodiscus bloom showed that nongrazing losses (sedimentation, death and decomposition) predominated.

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