
In order to study the factors controlling the phytoplankton distribution across the Antarctic Polar Frontal Region (PFR), surface pigment samples were collected during austral summer (January/February 1998) near 170°W. Both the Polar Front (PF) and the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF) were regions of enhanced accumulation of phytoplankton pigments. The mesoscale survey across the PF revealed two distinct phytoplankton assemblages on either side of the front. The phytoplankton community was dominated by diatoms south of the PF and by nanoflagellates (primarily by prymnesiophytes) to the north. Surprisingly, chlorophyll a concentrations did not correlate with mixed-layer depths. However, an increase of the dominance of diatoms over prymnesiophytes was observed with decreasing mixed-layer depths. Despite this relationship, we conclude that the average light availability in the mixed layer was not an important factor influencing the shift in phytoplankton composition across the PF. Although no correlation was found between the surface distribution of the major phytoplankton taxa and dissolved iron or silicic acid concentrations, the location of the strongest vertical gradient in silicic acid and iron concentration coincides with the maximum abundance of diatoms. We conclude that the difference in taxonomic composition is a result of increased silicic acid and iron flux to the upper mixed layer as a result of the increased vertical gradient of these key nutrients south of the front.

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