
The results of the ecological investigation discussed in this paper represent the first seasonal study of the phytoplankton to be carried out in Loch Ard. This body of water is a typical warm monomictic lake, with water temperatures during the period of study ranging from 18.6 to 4.4 °C and oxygen saturation from 68 to 112%. Stratification lasted from May to November. Phosphate was generally very low, being almost undetectable for about six months and not exceeding 0.125 µg.at.P 1−1 even at the winter maximum. Dissolved silica showed a regular seasonal pattern ranging from 9 to 21 µg.at.Si 1−1. Nitrate, like silicate, never showed signs of complete exhaustion, with a minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 21.0 µg.at.N 1−1. The pH remained on the acid side of neutrality while the alkalinity never exceeded 7 mg CaCO3/1. From an examination of net phytoplankton Loch Ard could be described as diatom-desmid in nature. Quantitatively the population was dominated by diatoms(Cyclotella, Asterionella andMelosira) till May whence a mixed population of blue-green algae, desmids and dinoflagellates persisted till late September.

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