
Abstract A description is provided for Phytophthora richardiae . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Asparagus sp., Daucus carota, Lycopersicon esculentum, Zantedeschia aethiopica, Z. aethiopica var. minor . DISEASE: Tuber rot of calla filly; foot rot of tomato; spear rot of asparagus; a facultatively necrotrophic plant pathogen. Symptoms on calla lily are: a yellow discoloration of the outer parts of leaves, slowly spreading over the entire leaf, then affecting inner leaves. Flowers are small, and, roots which are readily broken, only small pieces remaining attached to the tuber. In tomato, the disease symptoms are dieback of the main root and greying and hollowing of the stem base (46, 1335). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Asia; Philippines. Australasia & Oceania; Australia (NSW). Europe Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Netherlands, UK (England, N. Ireland). North America; USA (California, Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington State). See IMI Distribution Map No. 171. TRANSMISSION: Not known, but presumably by zoospores in wet soil. The role of oospores is unknown, but presumably they act as perennating structures.

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