
Abstract A description is provided for Phytophthora infestans . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Potato, tomato, other Solanaceae . DISEASE: Late blight of potato and tomato. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: World-wide (CMI Map 109, ed. 5, 1982). Distribution of compatibility types differs; the A1 and A2 are both present in Mexico (37, 503), whereas elsewhere only the A1 was thought to occur until the A2 was recorded in Switzerland in 1981 (64, 288). TRANSMISSION: Sporangia are readily detached and disseminated by wind and rain splash. Infection may spread from early potato crops to nearby maincrops. Tubers are contaminated by sporangia washed into the soil from blighted haulms (60, 2899), or on exposure at lifting. The fungus overwinters in tubers. Seed tubers, tuber refuse from clamp sites and volunteer plants provide sources of new infection (52, 216; 56, 973). Tomatoes were infected from potato crops (51, 3560).

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