
Abstract A description is provided for Phytophthora drechsleri . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: A wide range including potato, tomato, lucerne, members of the Cucurbitaceae, safflower, ornamentals and trees. DISEASE: Tuber rot of potato, various root rots, damping-off, soft rots, bark canker of Albizzia . GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Africa (Egypt, Madagascar, Zimbabwe), Asia (Iran, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia), Australasia (Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea), Europe (France, Greece, UK), North America (Canada, Mexico, USA), South America (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia) (CMI Map 281, ed. 3, 1979). TRANSMISSION: Soil-borne, affected by irrigation (47, 592). Survival of the safflower pathogen on weed hosts (53, 1907).

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