
Sacred groves are the storehouse of medicinal plants, trees, shrubs, and important useful plants for the locals. The present study was conducted to study the diversity of woody vegetation across the topography (pediment, slope and hilltop.) in Vindhyavasini sacred grove, Girwan Banda Uttar Pradesh. The vegetation data were quantitatively analyzed for community characteristics such as species richness, dominance, diversity and distribution pattern by using the quadrat method. A total of 68 sample plots of 32.5×32.5m² for trees and 136 sub-plots of 5×5m² for shrubs were laid down. A total of 32 plant species (18 trees and 14 shrubs) belonging to 20 families were recorded and identified during the study. The highest species diversity and species richness for both trees (0.93, 14) and shrubs (1.77, 11) were recorded in pediment and species richness of the family Combretaceae was the highest (79.56) followed by Lamiaceae (36.78) and Apocynaceae (29.26). Terminalia pendula (IVI -187.80) and Carissa spinarum (IVI-86.89) were the most dominant tree and shrub species respectively. This sacred grove may work as a vital pool for the preservation of endemic and local plant species.

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