
In modern times, the study of vegetation from an ecological-geobotanical or phytocoenological point of view is of great importance for the effective use of natural phytocenosis that are part of the biocenosis, as well as for the implementation of the tasks of their protection on a scientific basis. In accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On State Land Cadastre, Land Monitoring and Land Arrangement”, as well as “On the Implementation of the State Program for the Efficient Use of Summer and Winter Pastures, Hayfields and Prevention of Desertification in the Republic of Azerbaijan” of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 22, 2004 year, in accordance with the implementation of the decree of 2011, geobotanical or phytocoenological studies are carried out on summer meadows. In the studies carried out, the ecological and phytocoenological indicators of the vegetation of the mountainous part of Talysh (on the territory of the Lerik district) were studied and it was found that mountain-meadow and mountain-steppe vegetation is predominantly distributed in the district. On a wider range, 4 formations formed by them are distributed: Stipetum-Festucosum, Astracantheta-Thymusetum-Festucosum, Astracanthetum and Festuceta-Achilletum-Astracalosum. As a result, ways of efficient use of the mountain ecosystem of the Lerik district were discussed.

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