
This study aimed at the evaluation of the antioxidant and cognitive-enhancing effect of methanol-aqueous extract from Helichrysum italicum ssp. italicum aerial parts. Significant radical scavenging activity (110.33 ± 3.47 and 234.70 ± 5.21 mg TE/g for DPPH and ABTS) and reducing power (354.23 ± 17.51 and 210.24 ± 8.68 mg TE/g for CUPRAC and FRAP) were observed. The extract showed average acetylcholinesterase and low butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory potential. H. italicum extract (200 mg/kg/po) administered in combination with galantamine (3 mg/kg/po) for 12 days significantly improved the memory and learning process compared with galantamine alone in the passive avoidance test. The effect was comparable to that of Ginkgo biloba extract (100 mg/kg/po). In deep secondary metabolite annotation of the extract by UHPLC-HRMS, more than 90 hydroxybenzoic and hydroxicinnamic acid-glycosides, phenylethanoid glycosides, a series of acylquinic and caffeoylhexaric acids, methoxylated derivatives of scutellarein, quercetagetin and 6-hydroxyluteolin, and prenylated phloroglucinol-α-pyrones were reported for the first time in H. italicum. Fragmentation patterns of four subclasses of heterodimer-pyrones were proposed. In-depth profiling of the pyrones revealed 23 compounds undescribed in the literature. Pyrones and acylphloroglucinols together with acylquinic acids could account for memory improvement. The presented research advanced our knowledge of H. italicum, highlighting the species as a rich source of secondary metabolites with cognitive-enhancing potential.

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