
The fermented liquid of Citrulus lanatus (Egusi) pod was observed to have a herbicidal behavior after discarding it on grasses in the process of removing the seed from the pod which includes washing and filteration. Preliminary studies like phytochemical screening, physicochemical analysis (colour, pH, chloride, phosphate, phosphorus, total alkalinity, odour) and heavy metals (Zn and Cu) determination were carried out on the fermented Egusi pod liquid. The phytochemical screening showed that steroids, triterpenoids, saponins, terpenoids and triterpenes were present, while phenol, alkaloids, glycosides, anthracenes and flavonoids were absent. The physical analysis showed that the fermented liquid colour is creamy, turbid in appearance, a pH of 4.59, with an objectionable odour. The chemical analysis showed the absence of chloride, total alkalinity and total hardness. The total amount of phosphate and phosphorus present were 217.8 mg/L (4.35%) and 71.03 mg/L (1.42%) respectively, while the amount of Zn and Cu were 0.4426 mg/L and 4.4352 mg/L respectively. The herbicidal behavior could be attributed to its acidic nature and the high amount of phosphate.

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