
During adverse postharvest storage of Red haricot beans, the inositol phosphate content, particularly InsP6, decreased significantly, along with a significant increase in InsP5. Using a texture-based classification approach, the InsP6 content in cotyledons was shown an indicator for the extent of hard-to-cook (HTC) development during bean aging. This textural defect development was predominated by storage-induced InsP6 degradation, rather than phytate interconversions during soaking. Ca cations, released during storage, did not leach out significantly during subsequent soaking, suggesting that they were bound with the cell wall pectin in cotyledons, while Mg cations were mostly leached out into the soaking water due to their weak binding capacity to the pectin, and the cell membrane damages developed during HTC. Results obtained herein provide evidence for the pectin-cation-phytate mechanism in textural hardening (and its distribution after cooking) of common beans, and call for a more detailed Ca-relocation study during postharvest storage, soaking and cooking.

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