
Physiotherapy is a non-pharmacological conservative treatment approach that is recommended in clinical guidelines for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis. Physiotherapy should be considered prior to pharmacological interventions for patients with osteoarthritis, given its low risk of adverse effects and the widespread benefits it can offer most patients with osteoarthritis. Physiotherapy treatment of hip and knee osteoarthritis may encompass any or all of the following: advice, information & education, exercise programs, joint mobilisation, muscle re-education, massage, assistance with use of aids [eg walking sticks, braces, orthotics) or electrotherapy modalities. For optimal benefits, physiotherapy management should be based on an individual clinical assessment and tailored to the patient's individual presentation and problems. This presentation will briefly review the highest levels of research evidence currently available for the following physiotherapy treatments: exercise, manual therapy, braces and knee taping, orthotics and footwear, gait retraining and electrotherapy. Benefits of each treatment strategy will be discussed and key research studies highlighted. To conclude, research into patterns of physiotherapy use for osteoarthritis by medical practitioners around the world will be highlighted.

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