
Like other concerns, the insurance companies providing legally required accident cover are also considering how the resources they have available could be used in a more precisely targeted and efficient manner. These cost considerations are also being applied to physiotherapy as a follow-up treatment following a stay in hospital, in-patient follow-up treatment approved by the employers’ liability insurance associations and extended out-patient physiotherapy. The question is what experience or data on the duration of ambulant physiotherapy are available from the accident insurance companies. Even an allowed 2-week duration of prescribed physiotherapy with required re-attendance after this initial period makes it possible to monitor this. As a rule, 4 weeks’ physiotherapy with the option of an extension if medically necessary is prescribed, which also regulates the number of therapy sessions to some degree. The cost–benefit analysis ultimately shows that after injury, for the costs invested patients receive comprehensive treatment associated with instructions on what they can do to help themselves and have continuous contact with a therapist. The resources invested in physiotherapy seem to be deployed in an extremely cost-conscious manner compared with EAP or BGSW remuneration.

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