
On April 12, 1961, Major Yurii A. Gagarin of the former-U.S.S.R. Air Force circled the Earth in a spacecraft named "Vostok", a word which means "east". He spent 1 hour and 48 minutes in space. Since then, the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. have sent many astronauts into space. In one case, the stay in space exceeded a year in length, reaching 438 days. Through these experiences, it became clear that micro-gravity caused various problems in human physiology. One of the most serious problems was the loss of Ca from bones, as a result of the negative expenditure of Ca. Under 1G on the ground, bone absorption and bone formation proceed in accordance. Under micro-gravity, however, this balance is broken. Although this phenomenon has been widely analyzed from the viewpoint of molecular biology as well, studies to clarify the mechanism that causes the disorder of Ca metabolism in bones have just started. At present, no perfect treatment to prevent the loss of Ca from bones is available.

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