
1. In the oak silkworm,Antheraea pernyi, photoperiod controls not only the onset of pupal diapause (as previously demonstrated by Tanaka) but also the termination of pupal diapause.2. At 25° C., short-day conditions (4-to 12-hour photophases) strongly inhibit the termination of pupal diapause; maximal inhibition is by a 12-hour photophase.3. Long-day conditions (15-to 18-hour photophases) promote the termination of diapause; a 17-hour photophase is the most effective.4. A 14-hour photophase is transitional between short-days which sustain diapause and long-days which terminate diapause.5. By various experimental maneuvers, sensitivity to photoperiod was localized in the head-end of the pupa. Short-day illumination of the head-end inhibited the termination of diapause even when the hind-end was exposed to long-day conditions. In like manner, long-day illumination of the head-end was fully effective even when the abdomen received short-day illumination.6. When the brain was removed from the head and implant...

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