
The buckwheat is gener, ally a self-sterile plant. However, a few self-fertile plairts are occasionally found in the populations. In the selffertile, Iong-styled plants, pollen grains are much larger than those of normal long-styled l;)lants and are nearly as large as those of shortstyled plants. The stigmas of the self-fertile, long-styled plants are sotnewhat smaller than thos.e of normal long-styled plants. It seems probable that the high self-fertility of the selffertile, long-styled plants is chiefiy due to the large pollen gr, ains. Both plants having large pollen grains only in the anthers and plants havirig large and small pollen grains in varying proportions are iound in the self-fertile, Iongstyled plants. The self-fertility, of the self-fertle, Iohg-styled plants is inherited in the later generations.

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