
Loading conditions physiologically approximating those acting on the normal masticatory system were incorporated into a new mandibular load simulator. Separate tension wires attached to each ramus of the mandible simulated the resultant force vectors of the masticatory musculature. The muscle insertion points were chosen in accordance with the anatomical situation, and the maximum in vivo forces acting on the joint. In a first application, the stability of a 2.4 mm LC-WDCP was compared with that of a 2.7 mm EDCP in plastic mandible models. It was found that under largely physiological loading, the 2.4 mm LC-EDCP exerted a stabilizing effect similar to that of a 2.7 mm EDCP. Although of smaller dimensions, the 2.4 mm LC-EDCP appears to enable an osteosynthesis of similar stability in the treatment of fractures of the mandibular angle.

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