
IL-6 is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in many biological functions that affect tissues beyond the immune system and the vasculature. This multifunctional cytokine exerts its actions via the classic signalling pathway when it binds to the transmembrane IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) or via the trans-signalling pathway upon binding to the soluble form of IL-6R (sIL-6R). In general, classic IL-6 signalling is responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of IL-6, whereas trans-signalling is responsible for the pro-inflammatory actions of IL-6. As a result, dysregulation of the IL-6 axis can lead to the onset or development of several disease states, particularly autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, including RA and GCA. This pathological role of IL-6 means that pharmacologic modulation of the IL-6 axis is a rational therapeutic approach; however, multiple predictable, but often underappreciated, effects on tissues and organs beyond the blood vessels may also occur.

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