
The precedence effect (PE) describes an illusion produced when two similar sounds are delivered in quick succession (interclick delays of 2-8 msec) from sound sources at different locations so that only a single sound is perceived. The localization of the perceived sound is dominated by the location of the leading sound. If the delays are very short (< 1-2 msec), summing localization occurs and a phantom source is perceived whose location is toward the leading sound. The purpose of these experiments was to look for physiological correlates of the precedence effect and summing localization by recording from single neurons in the inferior colliculus of the anesthetized cat. Click stimuli were delivered under two different situations: over headphones in dichotic experiments and through two speakers in an anechoic room in free-field studies. In the latter case the cat was placed midway between the speakers and a single click stimulus was delivered to each speaker with variable interclick delays (ICDs). Most cells, under both dichotic and free-field conditions, exhibited a form of the precedence effect in which the response to the lagging click was suppressed when ICDs were short. The suppression of the lagging click, or echo, was measured by recovery curves, which plotted the response of the lagging click as a function of ICD. There was considerable variability in the recovery curves from different cells: the ICDs at which the recovery reached 50%, which is a measure of the echo threshold for the cell, ranged from 1 to 100 msec with a median of 20 msec. Human psychophysical experiments report echo thresholds for clicks ranging from 2 to 8 msec. If we assume that absolute echo threshold is determined by the cells with shortest recovery curves, then the thresholds for single cells are in accord with the psychophysical results. The possible sites of generation of the echo suppression are also considered. Changes in the relative level of the leading and lagging clicks produced the expected shifts in the recovery curves. With short ICDs in the summing localization range (between about +/- 2 msec) cells also showed responses consonant with the human psychophysical result that the sound source is localized to a phantom image between the two speakers and toward the leading one. The location of the image varied systematically with the relative levels or ICDs of the clicks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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