
The complex chemical speciation of Fe in aquatic systems and the uncertainties associated with biological assimilation of Fe species make it difficult to assess the bioavailability of Fe to phytoplankton in relation to total dissolved Fe concentrations in natural waters. We developed a cyanobacterial Fe‐responsive bioreporter constructed in Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 by fusing the Fe‐responsive isiAB promoter to Vibrio harveyi luxAB reporter genes. A comprehensive physiological characterization of the bioreporter has been made in defined Fraquil medium at free ferric ion concentrations ranging from pFe 21.6 to pFe 19.5. Whereas growth and physiological parameters are largely constrained over this range of Fe bioavailability, the bioreporter elicits a luminescent signal that varies in response to Fe deficiency. A dose‐response characterization of bioreporter luminescence made over this range of Fe3+ bioavailability demonstrates a sigmoidal response with a dynamic linear range extending between pFe 21.1 and pFe 20.6. The applicability of using this Fe bioreporter to assess Fe availability in the natural environment has been tested using water samples from Lake Huron (Laurentian Great Lakes). Parallel assessment of dissolved Fe and bioreporter response from these samples reinforces the idea that measures of dissolved Fe should not be considered alone when assessing Fe availability to phytoplankton communities.

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