
A major role in the normal course of ontogenesis of agricultural animals play age-related changes is highly variable hematological parameters. Even in one household from healthy cattle they can have very wide variations. Especially great practical significance have a total blood protein and its fractions, activity of the system-oxidation and indicators of natural resistance. In the work conducted and the parameters of protein metabolism in cows of three and five years of age were comparable, the globulins in the blood there were a few more, and the albumin was slightly less. Level antiokislitelnoe activity of blood in adult cows with increased age, thus ensuring they have a decrease in the blood between three and five years of life the number of products of peroxidation. In the blood of the examined cows with age increased levels of lysozyme and seromukoidov and decreased the number of circulating immune complexes. In calves between 5 days and 1.5-month age there was increase of total protein and its fractions. This was accompanied by increased antioxidant activity in their blood with a decrease in the level of diene conjugates and malonic dialdehyde. With increasing age of calves lysozyme activity of blood decreased a little in the stability of the concentration of seromukoidov and the increase in the number of circulating immune complexes. The obtained data can be regarded as normative for further research on cattle kept under the conditions of Central Russia.

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