
Iron (Fe) disorder is a pivotal factor that limits rice yields in many parts of the world. Extensive research has been devoted to studying how rice molecularly copes with the stresses of Fe deficiency or excess. However, a comprehensive dissection of the whole Fe-responsive atlas at the protein level is still lacking. Here, different concentrations of Fe (0, 40, 350, and 500 μM) were supplied to rice to demonstrate its response differences to Fe deficiency and excess via physiological and proteomic analysis. Results showed that compared with the normal condition, the seedling growth and contents of Fe and manganese were significantly disturbed under either Fe stress. Proteomic analysis revealed that differentially accumulated proteins under Fe deficiency and Fe excess were commonly enriched in localization, carbon metabolism, biosynthesis of amino acids, and antioxidant system. Notably, proteins with abundance retuned by Fe starvation were individually associated with phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, cysteine and methionine metabolism, while ribosome- and endocytosis-related proteins were specifically enriched in treatment of Fe overdose of 500 μM. Moreover, several novel proteins which may play potential roles in rice Fe homeostasis were predicted. These findings expand the understanding of rice Fe nutrition mechanisms, and provide efficient guidance for genetic breeding work. SignificanceBoth iron (Fe) deficiency and excess significantly inhibited the growth of rice seedlings. Fe deficiency and excess disturbed processes of localization and cellular oxidant detoxification, metabolisms of carbohydrates and amino acids in different ways. The Fe-deficiency and Fe-excess-responsive proteins identified by the proteome were somewhat different from the reported transcriptional profiles, providing complementary information to the transcriptomic data.

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