
Aim. To study the physiological and neuropsychological features of adaptation to training in conditions of Western Ural among foreign students from India.
 Materials and methods. The object of study – first-year foreign students from India and Russian students of E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University (52 and 47 persons, respectively). There were studied the parameters of physical development and cardiovascular system, including those with loading, as well as hypoxia tolerance tests. The following indices were calculated: body mass index (BMI), Robinson and Kerdo index, cardiac performance index (CPI), strength index (SI). The health level was calculated by G.L. Apanasenko. Peculiar features of students’ neuropsychical status were studied using the following surveys: Spilberger-Hanin Anxiety Scale to determine personal and situational anxiety, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), scale for assessment of depression symptoms CES-D, scale for assessment of quality of life SF-36 with subscales, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, asthenia scale MFI-20, CAM (cenesthesia, activity, mood).
 Results. Among Indian students, dispersion of BMI values and lower dynamometry indices were established. Hypoxia tolerance in the groups was similar. Kerdo index values in the group of Indian students showed a tendency to vagotonia, in the control group – to normotonia. No significant differences in other indices were registered. Health level in the studied groups was in “dangerous” zone regarding the risk for development of chronic noninfectious diseases, especially in the group of Indian students. The situational anxiety level by Spilberg 1 scale, and depression level by CES-D scale were reliably higher in the group of foreign students (p < 0.0001). SF-36 PF and SF-36 GH scores in Indian students were reliably lower versus Russian. Psychical component of health by SF-36 MH subscale was significantly higher in Russian students.
 Conclusions. Among first-year students from India, who study at Perm State Medical University, there is observed a complex adaptive syndrome, which needs to be taken into account and corrected to prevent deadaptation disorders and raise progress in studies as well as quality of life and health status.

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