
Abstract Peach trees (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Regina) were subjected to three levels of postharvest irrigation between 15 June and 15 Oct. 1983. Wet-treatment (control) trees were irrigated at 3-week intervals, medium-treatment trees received one, and dry-treatment trees received no postharvest irrigations. Significant differences in seasonal patterns of stomatal conductance were found among all treatments, with conductance varying in proportion to irrigation level. Wet-treatment pre-dawn water potential (ψw) remained nearly constant at −0.3 MPa throughout the postharvest season, whereas the dry-treatment readings became more negative as the season progressed. Differences in mid-day ψw were less distinct, but generally reflected pre-dawn water status. The seasonal increase in trunk radius of the dry-treatment trees was reduced by 33% relative to either wet or medium treatments. The amount of daily trunk radial shrinkage was inversely proportional to irrigation level. Dormant pruning weights were 13% less in dry treatments than wet treatments. Return bloom of dry-treatment trees in Spring 1984 was 30% and 40% greater than medium- and wet-treatment return bloom, respectively. Dry-treatment fruit set was 70% greater than medium- or wet-treatment fruit set. Following fruit thinning, there were no significant differences among treatments for fruit yield or fruit size, but fruit maturity was slightly delayed in the dry treatment.

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