
ABSTRACTThe effects of aging, temperature, and growth medium on germination in culture‐produced resting cysts of the marine dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea (Stein) Loeblich are examined. Cysts undergo a mandatory period of dormancy lasting approximately 25 days, during which germination does not occur. The duration of this period is not affected by temperature. Once the dormancy period is completed, germination is regulated by external factors. Cysts germinate optimally in nutrient replete medium at temperatures greater than approximately 14°C. At lower temperatures or in nutrient‐depleted media germination rate is dramatically slowed, although the final germination frequency appears unchanged. The large Q10of this temperature effect (ca. 11) suggests that the reduction in germination rate at lower temperatures is not merely the reflection of generally reduced metabolic rates, but rather the result of a temperature response specific to germination. At the highest temperatures tested (22‐25°C), germination rate remains maximal although vegetative growth is greatly reduced. A shift in temperature or nutrient conditions, per se, is not necessary for germination. The relatively short dormancy period combined with the absence of a requirement for a dramatic shift in environmental conditions could facilitate rapid cycling between resting and vegetative stages in natural S. trochoidea populations. At the same time, the dramatic reduction in germination rate at low temperatures would permit cysts of this species to serve as overwintering cells as well.

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