
Y. Komori and H. Sugihara. Physiological and biochemical properties of a kallikrein-like enzyme from the venom of Vipera aspis aspis (aspic viper), Toxicon 26, 1193–1204, 1988.—A kallikrein-like enzyme was isolated from the venom of Vipera aspis aspis by Sephadex G-75, Q-Sepharose and Heparin-Sepharose CL-6B column chromatography. The purified enzyme is a glycoprotein with a mol.wt of 43,000 and an isoelectric point of 4.1. The enzyme possesses arginine ester hydrolase activity, but no proteolytic activity against either dimethylcasein or fibrinogen. The reaction mixture of the enzyme and bovine plasma induced contraction of the isolated rat uterus, suggesting that the enzyme releases kinin from the plasma constituent. The amount of enzyme, which releases an equal amount of kinin corresponding to 1 nmole of bradykinin per min, is 2.36 mg. Additionally, the kallikrein-like enzyme demonstrated capillary permeability-increasing activity and hypotensive activity. A synthetic kininogen analog, Ser-Leu-Met-Lys-Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg-Ser-Val-Gln-Val-Ser, was cleaved by the enzyme to release bradykinin and kallidin, also indicating that the enzyme has a kallikrein-like activity. Uterine contraction, capillary permeability-increasing activity and arginine ester hydrolase activity were inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate, suggesting that the serine hydroxyl group is essential for enzymatic and biological activities. Antithrombin III and heparin, serine-protease inhibitors found in plasma had no inhibitory effect on these activities of the purified enzyme. The amino acid sequence of the NH 2 terminal region of the enzyme has similarities with kallikrein-like enzynes from other snake venoms and with porcine pancreatic kallikrein.

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