
Feeding and growth traits of Cyprinus carpio and Cyprinus pellegrini (both at age-0) were compared in three experiment, in an attempt to analyze potential causes for the displacement of the native C. pellegrini in the Xingyun Lake, Yuxi, Yunan, China. Experiment I was conducted in water which fluctuated between 15 and 20°C. Experiment II and III were conducted in a laboratory and water temperature was maintained between 20°C and 25°C, respectively. Three common trends were noted for all three experiments: (1) feeding rate of C. carpio was lower than that of C. pellegrini, and this difference was found to be significant in experiment I; (2) growth rate of C. carpio was higher than C. pellegrini, and the difference was found to be significant in experiment II; (3) food conversion efficiency and energy retention efficiency for C. carpio were higher than those of C. pellegrini, and significant differences were noted in experiment I and II. Since the growth period for fish in the Xingyun Lake generally occurs when water temperatures are between 15 and 25°C, it can be suggested that C. carpio has advantages over C. pellegrini in growth and food utilization efficiency, and lower food consumption than C. pellegrini. These physiological traits of C. carpio might allow this species to be more resistant to food shortage and predation, and may be partially responsible for the displacement of C. pellegrini by C. carpio.

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