
We will discuss the particle physics opportunities at IRIDE (Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure based on a Dual Electron Linac et Laser), a new multipurpose facility based on a combination of a high duty cycle radio-frequency superconducting electron linac (SC RF LINAC) and of high energy laser, presently under consideration at INFN.


  • IRIDE (Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure based on a Dual Electron Linac et Laser) is a new multipurpose facility based on a combination of a high duty cycle radio-frequency superconducting electron linac (SC RF LINAC) and of high energy laser

  • The Particle Physics program offered by IRIDE is quite reach: it goes from precision test of the Standard Model through a precise determination of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the effective fine-structure constant, as well as the squared sine of the weak angle

  • IRIDE will complement high-energy activities at the LHC and future linear or circular colliders through its ability to improve the determination of precision observables of the Standard Model (SM), like, e.g., (g-2) of the muon, which are, through quantum effects, sensitive to possible BSM physics at high scales of the order of hundred GeV or TeV

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Particle physics opportunities at IRIDE

It is commonly accepted that the Standard Model (SM) of elementary particles interactions is the model, which describes the visible part of the nature and of the Universe. It is important to stress that the precise values of the SM parameters, due to the renormalization group evolution, can be obtained only by simultaneous studies at high-energy and low-energy scales The former point highly motivates the International Linear Collider (ILC) initiative, while the IRIDE project can pursue the latter one and serve as an acceleratortechnology test installation and a research facility. The latter point motivates the possible use of the IRIDE facility as a precision tool for the SM exploration at low- and medium-energy scales, with a high priority on the information about the EW couplings of SM, which drives the evolution of the electromagnetic running coupling and the squared sine of the weak angle. It is anticipated that the construction of the IRIDE facility will be realized step-by-step starting with the physics program that can be pursued with an electron beam on target, further will be possible to investigate electron-photon collider, photon-photon collisions and electron-positron and electron-electron collider

Electron beam dump experiment: dark forces
Electron-photon interactions
Photon-photon interactions
Electron-positron collider
The Iride Collaboration
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