
AbstractExperiments with focused intensity of laser light exceeding 1019 Wcm−2 have recently become possible through exploitation of new laser techniques and materials. The rate of advance is rapid and petawatt (1015 W) power with focused intensity upto 1021 Wcm−2 is only a year or two away. — In this review I will summarise the main features of state of the art lasers designed for high power and intensity using as illustrations chirped pulse amplification (CPA) operation of the infrared Nd glass laser (Vulcan) and both CPA and Raman laser operation of the ultraviolet KrF laser (Sprite) at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK. These laser systems delivering upto 1019 Wcm−2 in focused beams, are enabling research investigations at the highest intensities currently available. — I will present also highlights of current research using these lasers in the fields of XUV harmonic generation, X‐ray laser development and studies underlying a new concept of fast ignition of thermonuclear fusion.

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