
Whole soybean curd (WSC) was manufactured using micronized full-fat soybean (MFS) powder and microbial transglutaminase (TGase). The WSC prepared with 15% MFS had typical soybean curd texture with a hardness of 513 dyne/cm2. It was confirmed that 7S and 11S protein fractions as major soy proteins disappeared in SDS-PAGE. Also, WSC prepared with 15% MFS and 10% TGase had excellent textural properties with a hardness of 645 dyne/cm2 and springiness of 0.98. Addition of 0.5% gelatin in WSC prepared with 15% MFS and 5% TGase resulted in higher hardness (708 dyne/cm2) and springiness (0.98), as well as the highest values of G′ and G″. The surface properties of WSC were observed using a SEM, indicating the interrelationship of higher hardness and compact protein network filled with small cells. It was concluded that WSC prepared after heat treatment of 15% MFS at 95°C for 5 min, followed by an enzyme reaction with 10% TGase for 1 h, had more enhanced hardness and springiness than commercial WSC. Despite the addition of 5% TGase, WSC with improved textural properties can be manufactured by the fortification of 0.5% gelatin.

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