
Physicochemical parameters under which hydrothermal Sb, As, and Hg deposits are formed are estimated using data from a database (which was compiled and continuously updated by the authors and includes data from more than 21 500 publications on mineral-hosted fluid and melt inclusions). The discussed parameters of the fluids are their temperature, pressure, density, salinity, and gas composition. The paper reports data on the temperature, pressure, and salinity of fluid inclusions in ore minerals (antimonite, orpiment, realgar, and cinnabar) and the calculated average composition of the dominant fluid components of natural fluids (CO2, CH4, N2, and H2S) at Sb, As, and Hg and, for comparison, at Au, Sn, W, Cu, Pb, and Zn deposits. The compositions of individual inclusions in minerals and chill glasses of rocks are utilized to calculate mean As and Sb concentrations in magmatic silicate melts of mafic, intermediate, and acid composition. Data are reported on the calculated Sb, As, and Hg concentrations in natural mineral-forming fluids.

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