
(1,2-diamino-cyclohexane)Platinum(II) ((DACH)Pt) loaded polymeric micelles of poly(ethylene glycol-b-sodium glutamate) (PEG-b-PGlu) are currently studied as a potential candidate to replace oxaliplatin in the treatment of cancers with the aim to reduce side effects like cumulative peripheral distal neurotoxicity and acute dysesthesias. As for all synthetic polymeric drug delivery systems, the characterization of the (co)polymer precursors and of the final drug delivery system (polymeric micelles) is crucial to control the repeatability of the different batches and to get correlation between physico-chemical structure and biological activity. In this work, the use of capillary electrophoresis (CE) and related methods for the characterization of (DACH)Pt-loaded polymeric micelles and their precursor (PEG-b-PGlu copolymer) has been investigated in detail. The separation and quantification of residual PGlu homopolymer in the PEG-b-PGlu sample were performed by free solution capillary zone electrophoresis mode. This mode brought also information on the PEG-b-PGlu copolymer composition and polydispersity. It also permitted to monitor the decomposition of polymeric micelles in the presence of NaCl at room temperature. Interactions between PEG-b-PGlu unimers, on one hand, and polymeric micelles or surfactants, on the other hand, were studied by using the Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography and Frontal Analysis Capillary Electrophoresis modes. Finally, weight-average hydrodynamic radii of the loaded polymeric micelles and of the PEG-b-PGlu unimers were determined by Taylor Dispersion Analysis (an absolute size determination method that can be easily implemented on CE apparatus).

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