
Legumin-T, the high-molecular mass product of limited tryptic hydrolysis of faba bean legumin, was investigated using hydrodynamic methods, static light scattering, fluorescence and ultraviolet spectroscopy. The following physico-chemical parameters were determined in a high-ionic strength buffer system: molecular mass, 2.4 x 10(5) g/mol; sedimentation coefficient, SO20 = 10.8 x 10(-13)Si; diffusion coefficient, DO20 = 4.1 x 10(-7) cm2 s-1; intrinsic viscosity, [eta] = 3.51 mL/g; partial specific volume, v = 0.719 mL/g; frictional ratio, f/f0 = 1.22; shape factor, beta = 2.17 x 10(6). Conformational changes during the formation of legumin-T can be deduced from the fluorescence emission and UV spectra.

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