
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of harvest stage and storage time at 4 °C on physicochemical and sensorial properties of green cobs (‘elotes’) from QPM hybrids. Two QPM (H143C and H149C) and a commercial hybrid were evaluated. Cobs were harvested at 14, 19, 24, and 29 days after female flowering (DAFF), and stored for 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 days. Cob length, husks number, and grain-filling development were assessed immediately after harvest. Moisture, penetration force, total soluble solids and the content of total sugars, glucose, fructose, sucrose and tryptophan were evaluated in kernels from all treatments. Flavor, sweetness, and masticability were recorded as sensorial properties. Cobs from QPM hybrids were longer and had more husks; kernels had higher moisture, glucose, fructose and tryptophan and were higher ranked on all attributes compared with the commercial hybrid. The best harvest stage for all genotypes was at 19 DAFF. Storage time reduced the moisture and sugars content influencing negatively on masticability and flavor. No effect of cold storage time was observed on tryptophan content. QPM hybrids are a good alternative as ‘corn on the cob’ end use, fresh and cooked, with good nutritional properties.

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