
In the realm of cosmetology, anthocyanin has recently been used as one of the essential ingredients. Anthocyanin has been demonstrated to lessen irritability and aid in moisture retention when applied. However, adding a natural ingredient to a skin care product formulation might alter the consumer's experience when the product is applied since it increases the actual contact area and adhesion, which alters friction. In this study, the chemical and flow characteristics of anthocyanin are examined in order to evaluate the rheological characteristics of butterfly pea flowers that contain anthocyanin. Anthocyanins were derived from three main sources and the characteristic have been compared. By using a shear rate scan test rheometer with a plate configuration and a 1mm gap and temperatures ranging from 25°C to 85°C, rheological data were collected. Utilizing a UV-visible spectrophotometer and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), anthocyanin's chemical structure, class, and yield are each identified. It is found that anthocyanins' structural, physical, and functional attributes are generally influenced by their source, composition, and content.

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