
The present investigation reports physicochemical parameters and proximate composition of twenty mungbean interspecific lines and 5 released (check) varieties. The interspecific lines exhibited 100-seed weight, seed volume, seed density, water absorption capacity, volume expansion, swelling capacity, swelling index, hydration capacity and hydration index in the range of 2.92–4.64 g, 0.032–0.063 ml, 0.774–1.39 g/ml, 120–174, 200–528%, 0.101–0.161 ml/seed, 0.660–0.840, 0.050–0.079 g/seed and 1.21–1.74, respectively. Interspecific lines exhibited lower mean seed volume and swelling index but higher mean values for seed density, volume expansion and swelling capacity per seed as compared to check varieties. Interspecific lines contained 7.86–12.1% moisture content, 18.4–50.8% neutral detergent fiber, 7.00–11.4% acid detergent fiber and 0.55–2.25% acid detergent lignin. P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu content among the interspecific lines ranged from 280 to 335, 488 to 1401, 86.0 to 204, 68.6 to 202, 2.59 to 5.51, 0.501 to 0.823, 2.13 to 3.32 and 0.715 to 3.02 mg/100 g, respectively. Overall, SML 2033 was found to be a promising line as it exhibited the highest 100-seed weight and hydration capacity with high amounts of Fe, Mn and P. In addition, SML (summer mung Ludhiana) 1827, SML 1933, SML 2011, SML 2016, SML 2031 and SML 2032 are other promising lines with better processing attributes.

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