
Mango fruit is utilized from the immature to ripened stage depending upon its purpose of consumption. We planned to investigate physico-chemical and nutritional changes in six mango hybrids viz ‘Pusa Lalima’, ‘Pusa Peetamber’, ‘Pusa Pratibha’, ‘Pusa Surya’, ‘Ambika’ and ‘Arunika’ from 45 to 105 days after fruit set (DAFS). Results showed that fruit size, fruit weight, stone size & weight, and total soluble solids were maximum at final fruit development. In contrast, the titratable acidity presented a declining trend during the fruit development. The colour of fruit peel and pulp improved with fruit maturity. At various stages of fruit development, mango stone exhibited higher concentrations of nutrients than peel and pulp. At commercial maturity, the maximum fruit weight and size were observed by ‘Pusa Surya’ (279.2 g, 11.25 x 8.25 cm, respectively) and the maximum stone weight was also observed in ‘Pusa Surya’ (33.0 g). However, maximum total soluble solids (TSS) content was recorded in ‘Ambika’ (8.900 Brix) fruits, and minimum titratable acid content was noted in ‘Pusa Surya’ (1.11%).

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