
A typical Indonesian food, tempe, is made by fermenting soybeans by the mold Rhizopus spp. Oneeffort to develop products and diversify food is to use tempe as the main ingredient in making tempe drink powder (TDP). Processing tempe into drink powder will increase tempe consumption and meet people’s protein needs. Over time, the quality of food products will decrease. Therefore, to ensure that the product remains fit for consumption, it is essential to know about changes in its physicochemical and microbiological properties. This research aimed to determine changes in physicochemical and microbiological properties of TDP products during storage at various temperatures. The physicochemical characteristics tested were proximate value, aw, pH, antioxidant activity, and whiteness. Microbiological characteristics included total mold and total plate count. The water content value increased at storage temperatures of 35 °C and 45 °C, but tended to decrease at 55 °C. During storage, the protein and fat content tended to be stable. Antioxidant activity increased at 25, 35, and 45 °C and decreased at 55 °C. Ash content, aw, pH, whiteness, and total plate decreased at each storage temperature.

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