
Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (international nonproprietary name — alteplase) which was developed by «GENERIUM» (Russia) and received a marketing authorisation in Russia is completely analogous to Actilyse® which is used to treat medical conditions accompanied by thrombosis, such as acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, and ischemic stroke. The aim of the study was to carry out a comprehensive comparison of physico-chemical and biological properties of Revelyse® and the reference product Actilyse® in order to assess their biosimilarity. Materials and Methods: comparative peptide mapping and determination of comparability of chromatographic profiles of tryptic hydrolysates was performed using RP-HPLC and massspectrometry; the molecular weight distribution was determined by mass-spectrometry and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Laemmli method). The purity and homogeneity of products as well as the content of related impurities (oligomers and fragments) were determined using gel filtration; N-glycosylation profile was analysed by hydrophilic HPLC, total sialic acid was quantified by the Svennerholm resorcinol method. Protein binding to fibrin and human fibrinogen was assessed by surface plasmon resonance, and the specific activity was compared by fibrin clot lysis. Results: the research demonstrated a complete overlap of the products’ peptide maps, which indicates the identity of аlteplase amino acid sequences in the two medicines being compared. The authors of the study also determined the molecular weight and the content of the intact single-stranded form of the protein, and quantified post-translational modifications, the content of sialic acids and neutral sugars. The analysis of the N-glycosylation profile revealed insignificant differences in the percentage of multiantenna complex glycans. The specificity of alteplase was evaluated by analysing the formation of protein complexes with natural alteplase ligands – fibrin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, but no significant differences were found. The comparison of specific activation of plasminogen fibrinolytic activity was performed based on the results of the assay analysing the fibrin clot lysis rate, and it demonstrated comparability of Revelyse® and Actilyse®. Conclusions: comparative experimental studies have shown no differences in the structure, charge distribution heterogeneity, impurities content, and specific activity of alteplase as a component of Revelyse® and the reference product Actilyse®, which leads to the conclusion that they are similar in terms of physicochemical and biological properties.


  • Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Международный биотехнологический центр «ГЕНЕРИУМ», ул

  • Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator which was developed by «GENERIUM» (Russia) and received a marketing authorisation in Russia is completely analogous to Actilyse® which is used to treat medical conditions accompanied by thrombosis, such as acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, and ischemic stroke

  • The aim of the study was to carry out a comprehensive comparison of physico-chemical and biological properties of Revelyse® and the reference product Actilyse® in order to assess their biosimilarity

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Хромато-масс-спектрометрическое пептидное картирование

Образцы анализируемых серий препаратов алтеплазы денатурировали в буферном растворе, содержащем 6 М мочевину и 0,1 % SDS (рН 8,6), затем восстанавливали 5 мМ ДТТ в течение 1 ч при 50 °С. Разделение меченых олигосахаридов проводили при помощи гидрофильной ВЭЖХ с использованием колонки TSKgel Amide-80, 2,0×150 мм, 3 мкм (Tosoh Bioscience) при скорости потока 0,2 мл/мин. 8. Электрофорез в полиакриламидном геле (ПААГ ЭФ) Анализ образцов алтеплазы проводили по методу Лэммли в 10 % полиакриламидном геле в восстанавливающих условиях, перед анализом образцы прогревали при 100 °С в течение 5 мин в присутствии ДТТ. В нативных условиях образцы анализировали без предварительной пробоподготовки; для определения содержания одноцепочечной и двухцепочечной форм алтеплазы дисульфидные связи в образцах предварительно восстанавливали при помощи ДТТ. Для определения равновесной константы диссоциации (KD) комплекса алтеплаза–фибрин использовали одноцикловый анализ, при котором последовательно без промежуточных регенераций на поверхность сенсора с иммобилизованным фибрином подавали разные концентрации алтеплазы. Для подтверждения идентичности первичной структуры алтеплазы в сравниваемых препаратах было проведено пептидное картирование триптических гидролизатов методом ОФВЭЖХ. Percentage peak area of glycans determined by hydrophilic interaction HPLC

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