
The swelling phenomenon causes various damages and disorders in several regions around the world. Several solutions have been proposed to face such a problem. Among others, one can cite chemical stabilization, mechanical stabilization and physical stabilization. The present work deals with stabilization of swelling Bentonite clay issued from Maghnia (North West of Algeria). First, the material of interest has been characterized based on standard geotechnical tests, direct measurements of free swells and swelling pressure. The influence of lime, cement, lime + cement and lime + salt (NaCl) on the consistency of Bentonite and the parameters of swelling has been addressed. The shear strength and the compressibility of some samples have been investigated. It is found that the plasticity index PI and the swelling parameters are all reduced but with different degrees. The compression index and the swell index are decreased respectively slightly and drastically. The combination lime + salt is shown to be very efficient and of low cost.

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