
Ebony Paints is a popular paint industry from where Ebony Paint Road, in Enugu, derives its name. Ebony paint road is a cluster settlement with high human density. Located directly opposite 103 Motoring Battalion of Nigerian Army, in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State, South Eastern Nigeria, the area is also known for its high concentration of artisans and proliferation of shallow well water bodies. Effluent discharge from the Ebony Paint industry easily finds its way into the surrounding human settlements, exposing the inhabitants to pollution. In this work, the physico-chemical profiles and phyto-remediation of Ebony Paint effluent with N-Hexane de-fatted Moringa seed powder were studied. Pre-treatment analysis showed that the effluent was heavily polluted in terms of organoeleptic properties of odor and color as well as high turbidity (18.20), conductivity (950 us/cm 3 ). Total solid (1410.0mg/l), Acidity (120.0mg/l). Post-treatment analysis showed significant improvement in the organoeleptic properties as well as turbidity (1.2), Total Solid (410mg/l), Acidity (23.0mg/l). The pH was improved from 8.0 to 7.50 after treatment. N-hexane de-fatted seed powder, had phyto-remediation potential in Ebony Paint effluent.

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