
This study was aimed to determine the physico-chemical, sensory characteristics, and the best treatment of dumpling crackers added by tilapia bone flour. The treatment given consisted of P0 (without addition), P1 (5% tilapia bone flour), P2 (10% tilapia bone flour), and P3 (15% tilapia bone flour). Analysis parameters observed were physical characteristics (volume expands and hardness), chemical (proximate, calcium, phosphorus), and sensory. The results showed that addition of tilapia bone flour 10% (P2) produced the best dumpling crackers with physical characteristics were volume expands of 83.58% and hardness of 1.28 N. Chemical characteristics (proximate) of water, ash, protein, fat, and carbohydrate content were 2.32, 4.62, 7.68, 27.35, and 60.34% respectively. The dumpling crackers (P2) contained calcium 1.21 and phosphorus 0.66%. The sensory characteristics of P2 raw dumpling crackers were brightly unevenly colored, less chewy, and slightly fish-scented while the fried dumpling crackers were yellowish creamy, crunchy, slightly fish-scented, and savory.


  • This study was aimed to determine the physico-chemical, sensory characteristics, and the best treatment of dumpling crackers added by tilapia bone flour

  • The treatment given consisted of P0, P1 (5% tilapia bone flour), P2 (10% tilapia bone flour), and P3 (15% tilapia bone flour)

  • The results showed that addition of tilapia bone flour 10% (P2) produced the best dumpling crackers with physical characteristics were volume expands of 83.58% and hardness of 1.28 N

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Bahan dan Alat

Bahan utama pada penelitian ini adalah 35 kg ikan nila segar dengan ukuran 300 ‒ 500 g/ekor yang diperoleh dari Danau Maninjau Sumatera Barat. Bahan pembuatan kerupuk pangsit meliputi tepung terigu, tapioka, margarin, minyak goreng, telur, dan garam. Bahan kimia yang digunakan yaitu H2SO4, katalis Cu, indikator pp, NaOH 40%, H2BO3, indikator campuran, HCl 0,1 N, pelarut organik (n-hexana), aquades, CaCO3, asam nitrat, asam peklorat, ammonium molibdat, dan KH2PO4. Saring Whatman, pisau, baskom, sendok, spatula, wajan, kompor, timbangan, penggiling, ayakan 80 mesh, pengukus, presto, oven, blender, nampan, mistar, erlenmeyer, labu lemak, labu kjedahl, desikator, soxhlet, beaker glass, gelas ukur, pipet tetes, dan jangka sorong

Tahapan Penelitian
Analisis Data
Hasil Analisis Fisik
Kadar fosfor
Kerupuk pangsit goreng
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