
In India many hot springs are associated with religious importance, people visit and use them. Ganeshpuri hot spring is one of them and present study is the first attempt to analyse spring for physicochemical parameters thoroughly. Water temperature of 57 °C indicates its acro thermal nature having acidic pH value 5.5. TS values were within permissible limits of potability but TDS and conductivity values were high. Dissolved oxygen measured had value of 4.5 mg/l, within recommended range of potability. Temperature, pH, DO was recorded for spring water, kund water had similar values. Iron, chloride, calcium magnesium hardness, bicarbonate content was above the standard value permissible, while total alkalinity, sulphate, nitrate, was within the standard recommended limits of potable water. Spring harbors microbes of biotechnological application, a thermo-pH tolerant multi catalytic potential strain of Bacillus licheniformis was isolated and can be explored for diverse biotechnical and environmental applications.

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