
Background: Physician-assisted suicide is the process by which a physician helps a patient or a human − based on his own desire; to get his death by using a specific materials, drugs (lethal dose) or equipments, the argument about the legality and morality of assisting the patient to die is a hot topic now days. Aim: To put a spot light about ethicality and legality of physician-assisted suicide. Results: Around the world there are eleven states and nations supported the idea of physician-assisted suicide and legalize it, two religious references said that assisted suicide was thought to be a feature of the right to choose. In contrast, the great majority of world laws considered physician-assisted suicide as a crime, approximately all religious refuse the idea of assisted suicide and see it contrast with the sanctity of god. Discussion: Those whom agree with physician-assisted suicide, are defense based on the right of autonomy and the right to choice, and they insure that the human has the right to die when he wants that. On the other hand, those who are contrast physician-assisted suicide argue that it’s a killing, its may be a slippery slope, the effect of health care access on the patient decision, and this practice contrast with the sanctity of god. Conclusions: The killing is a killing regardless of concept descriptions, nor the physician or the patient have the right to assisted suicide, however, the suffering may be cared or cured, and the patient freedom or autonomy is limited by ethics and law.

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