
AbstractThe article deals with the formation of basic (key) competences of students in the process of physical training and sports. Physical training and sports in the system of professional education of students is carried out within the framework of elective disciplines in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3++. Training sessions in the discipline “Elective course on physical training and sports” consist of two disciplines “Basic physical training” and “Basic sports”. “Basic physical training” contains the fundamental part which provides the basic level of physical fitness of students. “Basic sports” provides the opportunity to choose a kind of sport or a system of physical exercises from among those offered by the department. In the course of the study, the main factors that are important for students to obtain universal competencies necessary in their further professional activities were studied. The article presents the results of a sociological survey of students, gives a sanitary and hygienic assessment of the timetable, reveals the dynamics of the development of the basic physical qualities of students of the K. A. Timiryazev Moscow State Agricultural Academy (Moscow) during the study period (from the beginning of the academic year to its end).The obtained results show the effectiveness and disadvantages of the methods used in the learning process.KeywordsGeneral professional and physical personal culture of a modern specialistFses 3++Universal competenceElective course on physical training and sportBasic kinds of sportsBasic physical cultureSanitary and hygienic assessment of a timetableDevelopment of basic physical qualities

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