
The synthetic aperture radar automatic target recognition (SAR ATR) application based on the deep convolutional network often faces data scarcity. SAR image simulation based on electromagnetic and geometric calculations can provide a large amount of data that contains interpretable physical features, such as shadow and contour. However, there is a big difference between the simulated SAR image and the real image, and it is difficult to directly use it for data augmentation. This letter proposes the adversarial encoding network to extract the physical-related features, which can be understood as the common features between the simulated and real data. By designing the adversarial learning between an encoder and a discriminator, the encoder can extract real features from the simulated images. The encoded features are sent to a classifier to ensure the correct category information. A decoder is used to reconstruct the encoded features into the input image so that the encoded feature retains the image information as much as possible. Ablation experiments and comparative experiments are used to verify the ability of each module and the performance of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed model can achieve 98.55% accuracy, especially when the real data are insufficient for classification, which verifies that the proposed method is effective for data augmentation.

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