
This study aimed to determine the physical quality of native chicken eggs fed with diets containing different shrimp waste flour. The sample used was 16 layer native chickens. Chickens were reared out intensively and eggs and eggs were collected every afternoon. Feeding was done twice a day, 7:00 in the morning and 14:00 in the afternoon, while drinking water was given ad libitum. The design of this study uses a completely randomized design (CRD). The shrimp waste flour treatment in native chicken feed is P0 (feed without shrimp waste flour), P1 (feed + 3% shrimp waste flour), P2 (feed + 6% shrimp waste flour) and P3 (feed + 9% flour waste shrimp). The parameters observed in this study were egg weight, egg width, egg length, yolk color, yolk width, albumen width, yolk height, albumen height, and eggshell thickness. The results showed thad the addition of shrimp waste flour in the ration to a level of 9% had no significant effect (p> 0.05) on egg weight, egg width, egg length, yolk width, albumen width, yolk height, and albumen height, but had a significant effect (p < 0.05) to the color of the yolk layer of layered chicken eggs.

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