
Magnetic ($\chi$), transport ($\rho$) and heat capacity ($C_m$)properties of CeIrSi are investigated to elucidate the effect of geometric frustration in this compound with trillium type structure because, notwithstanding its robust effective moment, $\mu_{\rm eff}\approx 2.46\mu_B$, this Ce-lattice compound does not undergo a magnetic transition. In spite of that it shows broad $C_m(T)/T$ and $\chi(T)$ maxima centered at $T_{max}\approx 1.5$\,K, while a $\rho \propto T^2$ thermal dependence, characteristic of electronic spin coherent fluctuations, is observed below $T_{coh} \approx 2.5$\,K. Magnetic field does not affect significantly the position of the mentioned maxima up to $\approx 1$\,T, though $\chi(T)$ shows an incipient structure that completely vanishes at $\mu_0 H \approx 1$\,T. Concerning the $\rho \propto T^2$ dependence, it is practically not affected by magnetic field up to $\mu_0 H = 9$\,T, with the residual resistivity $\rho_0(H)$ slightly decreasing and $T_{coh}(H)$ increasing. These results are compared with the physical properties observed in other frustrated intermetallic compounds

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